TXT2MTEXT Settings

Users have reported to us , due to a bug (SR 180585),  that BricsCAD V24 and earlier don't retain the SETTINGS for the TXT2MTEXT command between BricsCAD sessions. Instead it reverts to the default option (COMBINEDTEXTMODE = 11) of combining selected TEXT entities into a single piece of MTEXT.


  • The TXT2MTEXT command is part of the Express tools utilities that have been included by default starting with BricsCAD V23.
  • If you're using BricsCAD V25 (or later) you don't need this utility, as the bug was fixed with this release.

The reset of default settings can be annoying for users that most frequently use the command to replace each TEXT entity with MTEXT, such as for contour line labels.

As a workaround, we've created a utility that allows you to set and retain your preferred settings for TXT2MTEXT between sessions.



Displays a dialogue showing your current TXT2MTXT settings and allowing you to select your preferred defaults.


  • Download using the button below.
  • To work this utility needs to be loaded at BricsCAD with each drawing. A user-friendly option to achieve this is to use the APPLOAD command and select the option to load Autoload.

    Alternatively, you can include an option to load it in your on_doc_load.lsp
    (load "TXT2MTXT-Settings")

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