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You can expect first rate support and training
+64 (9) 972 9052

A Range of Support is Available

At CAD Concepts we pride ourselves in providing you with the best CAD support that we can. We know the demands of running projects, meeting deadlines as well as the frustrations when things don't go to plan.

Whether it's a one off fix or an ongoing monthly support option, we can provide you support options that meets your needs.

New Zealand Support services:

CAD Concepts is a CAD management and consultancy business owned and operated by me, Jason Bourhill.   I have extensive experience using CAD software and over 30 years’ experience working as a Mechanical Engineer, CAD Draughtsman and Project Manager.  

Our areas of expertise

Reviewing, assessing, and providing advice and support on your current CAD office software and hardware requirements
Providing advice and support on folder structures, file conventions, block and part library structures, template creation and general file management
Running and creating CAD training courses

Support Options

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