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May 7, 2024

Working with Polylines in BricsCAD

Missing the ability to easily edit Polylines in BricsCAD using PEDITEXT? The feature is there, but If you’re not familiar with using the QUAD you have likely missed it.

Working with the QUAD

To edit a polyline using the QUAD:

  1. Make sure the QUAD is On. You can toggle the QUAD On/Off by pressing F12, or by picking “QUAD” on the status bar.
  2. Hover over the polyline segment you want to edit and hold down the Ctrl button to allow sub entity selection.
  3. The QUAD should now give you additional options to edit the polyline.


NOTE: The QUAD display changes depending on your current WORKSPACE. Also, currently in BricsCAD, PEDITEXT options currently only work with Lightweight polylines. Because of this you may find have to use CONVERTPOLY to change your polyline type from heavy to light.

Customise the Context Menu

Not a fan of the QUAD? No problem, the BricsCAD CUI is highly customisable and you can add these options to the context menu. In fact, we’ve done this for you! We’ve created a Partial CUI which will provide you with additional options for the context menu. You can download a copy by heading over to here in our Resources Section.

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