Customizing BricsCAD V20
Sadly no longer updated, this remains the only definitive book available on Customising BricsCAD. It is still an invaluable resource to anyone looking to customise their BricsCAD environment.
This e-book covers the following topics:
Changing the User Interface
Adjusting BricsCAD’s Settings
Customizing the BricsCAD Environment
Adapting the User Interface
Tips for BricsCAD Users
Customizing the User Interface
Introduction to the Customize Dialog Box
Customizing the Menus
Customizing Toolbars and Button Icons
Writing Macros and Diesel Code
Adapting Mouse, Double-click, & Tablet Buttons
Creating Keystroke Shortcuts, Aliases, and Shell Commands
Modifying Ribbon Tabs and Panels
Customizing the Quad Cursor and Workspaces
Customizing Rollover Properties
Designing Tool Palettes
Customizing BricsCAD Drawings
Designing Simple and Complex Linetypes
Patterning Hatches
Decoding Shapes and Fonts
Programming BricsCAD
Writing Scripts
Coding Field Text
Programming with LISP
Designing Dialog Boxes with DCL
Dabbling in VBA
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