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May 7, 2024

Meet PLATEIA Traffic Collection

Watch the Webinar

In the following webinar, we will show you how to use these easy-to-use tools to successfully address time-consuming engineering tasks and how to quickly bring a project from conceptual design to end project documentation delivery with BIM-ready data. In short, how to save time and money.

Watch the Webinar introducing Traffic Collections features
Watch the Webinar introducing Traffic Collections features

About PLATEIA Traffic Collection

Supported on the following CAD platforms:

  • AutoCAD, AutoCAD Civil 3D or AutoCAD Map 3D, versions 2018 – 2023
  • BricsCAD Pro or greater, versions V20 – V22.

PLATEIA Traffic Collection is a suite of productivity-oriented BIM-ready software for Site design, Traffic signalisation design & planning, and Vehicle swept path analysis. As an add-on to Civil 3D, AutoCAD or BricsCAD, it helps Road designers and Traffic engineers to significantly shorten the time needed to finish their projects.

Animation of an Autosign drawing

PLATEIA Traffic Collection includes tools to quickly create ultra-light surfaces from survey points or Google maps data, a toolkit for easy editing of 3D polylines, national libraries of 3D traffic signs, tools to automate road marking design, including parking lot design, as well as tools to analyse the transportability on road design projects like intersections, roundabouts, underpasses, etc. with 3D animation of vehicle movement.

Animation of an Autopath drawing

To trial Traffic Collection on your CAD platform, simply use the button below.

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