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May 7, 2024

How Can I Change the Background Colour?

Very few things in life are ever black or white, and that goes for the Background colour in BricsCAD. Over the years, the default background colour has changed between black and white. So when you receive a drawing created by someone using a different background colour to yours, it can make things very difficult to see.

In BricsCAD, you can change your background colour in SETTINGS by modifying the following variables:

BKGCOLOR - Sets the background colour of Model Space

BKGCOLORPS - Sets the background colour of Paper Space layouts

ToggleBackgroundColour (TBC)

If you're changing the background colour frequently, then it will get tedious to go in and out of SETTINGS all the time. As a solution we've created ToggleBackgroundColour to allow you to quickly toggle the background colour of your current space between black and white.

Download: ToggleBackgroundColour.lsp

How to load

You can load ToggleBackgroundColour by simply dragging and dropping the file onto an existing drawing window in BricsCAD. If you find it useful, then you can use APPLOAD to get BricsCAD to load it automatically.



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