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May 7, 2024

Customer Showcase | Kamo Shared Path Project | TwinMotion

This is the fourth in our series about the complext project designed by Bruce Preston from Preston Design, using TwinMotion to visualise content created with Civil Site Design on BricsCAD.

This is our final blog about the complex project designed by Bruce Preston from Preston Design. For this project, Bruce utilised the combination of BricsCAD, Civil Site Design and TwinMotion software to achieve outstanding results and delivery.

If you haven't yet read our other blogs in the series, you can find out here more about the background and overview of the project. The second blog does an in-depth dive into the star of the process – Civil Site Design and the third blog explains how BricsCAD was used to model the structure of an old decommissioned Railway Bridge.

Civil SiteDesign using BricsCAD as the CAD platform was Bruce's primary tool to produce a functional concept dropped out to visualisation so that the stakeholders could review.

As a result, Whangarei District Council and the MBIE had the opportunity to view a video of the Kamo shared pathway, showing them the concept of accessible pedestrian crossings and pathways, accommodating users of mobility scooters and the visually impaired.

Once he had feedback, Bruce produced a video of the model using Civil Site Design, showing in detail the shared pathway.

And this is where TwinMotion comes into the design process. The final component to produce exceptional quality work with detailed visualisation and animation of the pathway.

TwinMotion is a step further than what you can achieve in Civil Site Design. A word of warning though, you wouldn't move into this phase until you're completely comfortable with how it's all working, and your stakeholders have given you the okay to continue with the final design.

What can you expect when using TwinMotion?

Think what the design will look like in public and the landscape, and in this case, a community shared pathway and what that looks like in detail.

So, the planting throughout the walkway, the benches, people walking past, families enjoying the outdoors, cyclist and all on a running scale. The great advantage of using TwinMotion is that it allows people to visualise much more readily, than say, a bunch of static photos.

TwinMotion is pushed seamlessly out of BricsCAD using connection tools for TwinMotion. There is also the option to push it out of Civil Site Design.

In summary, if you want to take your idea from concept to wow, then Twinmotion is a must-have!

You can learn more about the project by watching the following video, which goes further into TwinMotion and how it supported this complex project.

Use the buttons below to try BricsCAD for yourself, or to find out more about the visualisation options available on BricsCAD.

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